The democratic Marketplace of ideas πŸ’­

We help You & Your business beat the odds πŸ“ˆ

Whether your are a start-up, a cafΓ©, or a large enterprise looking to launch a new product or reach out to your customers and receive their opinion (while incentivizing them πŸ˜‰), you can use our automated AI-powered Survey, Quiz, and Prediction Marketplace to reach out to your audience and receive the business insight and consultancy you deserve.

To book a demo reach us at [email protected].

Try our Web App! πŸ“±

Are you curious how we help you reach your target population? Check out our web app at That’s where you can engage with your audience in a few simple steps.


  1. Reach us at [email protected] with the
  2. Our dedicated Large Language Models (LLM) trained to engage with a wide range of customers will generate a wide-range of questions that your target audience will engage with.
  3. Finally all the collected information will be analysed using our logic-based solutions, which will be then converted to the insight and consultancy that can help you grow your businesses using our most powerful AI models.

Also, we are launching our Android and iOS apps soon. So make sure to keep an eye out!